The Lions Club invites people who want to be of service to the community, nation and world to consider applying for membership. Full members pay dues of $170 per year; two-person households, $306 per year; and service members, $69 per year. Membership dues cover membership in the International, State and District levels as well as the local club. Full membership dues cover expenses of monthly dinner meetings, held at 6:30 p.m. the 2nd Monday of each month. Service members are members of state and international Lions, included in local communications and urged to participate in Lions service and fundraising projects. Business meetings are open to all members and are held 6:30 p.m. the 4th Monday of each month. Members are highly encouraged to participate in service or fund-raising projects of their choice, as well as various committees that help the club function.
Click here to access the Lions Club membership application form: Membership Form
Submit your completed application to Johnston Lions, PO Box 52, Johnston, Iowa 50131
Here is our current roster:
Anderson, Judy
Beaman, Mike
Beaman, Linda
Bennett, Sue
Borwick, Ann
Borwick, Ronald
Brandt, Debra
Briggs, Sandy
Brown, John
Brown, Michele
Coates, David
Conlin, Robert
Day, Jim
Flannery, Bill
Friesen, Robert
Heldt, Tim
Horn, Phil
Kerber, John
Kerber, Liz
Kielsmeier, Jerry
Kielsmeier, Linda
Kruse, Paul
Leffler, Tom — Treasurer
Louk, Jim
Louk, Lynn
Lower, Ron
McPherson, Alan
Meyer, Dennis
Paez, Alix — President
Paez, Mary Jane
Rains, Jody
Rains, John
Roesler, Ophelia,
Roth, Jim
Roth, Lou Ann
Rutz, Jill
Salthun, William
Seagren, Lillian
Sellers, Sister Sue
Shogren, Cherry
Shogren, Dave
Stark, Mary — Secretary
Steele, Kara
Steele, Kaylene